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Posts tagged “Port Pub

Drool-Worthy Food

Last Friday eve I had a girls’ night din-din with some friends.  We went to this great little GastroPub in my neighborhood.  (It’s actually the place where Blair and I had our first date….awwwww.)

I’ve eaten/boozed there a bunch of times but haven’t been in quite a while.  But back in May when I had that really icky flu I saw a photo in my Facebook feed and, although I couldn’t keep water down at the time and preferred to stay under my covers with a 20 lb kitty purring lovingly beside me, I decided that when I was feeling better I would eventually make it to the Pub and grab this dish.

What was this drool-inspiring food that got me all worked up?  Lobster Poutine.

Port Pub Lobster Poutine

Port Pub Lobster Poutine

If you are not from Canada you may not be familiar with this Canadian favorite of fries topped with cheese curds and gravy, but believe me, if you haven’t tried it, you MUST.  Yeah, it’s not the healthiest option on the menu but I wouldn’t expect one to eat it every day.  In all its ooey-gooey mess, it’s a splurge.

The Lobster Poutine, however, is a bit of a different take: fries, chunks of lobster, cheese curds and lobster sauce. It was delicious.

I don’t expect to have this treat again very soon but it’s tempting.  Blair and I celebrate our 5-year anniversary next month so maybe then.  But it was so rich and divine that I don’t want to spoil how fantastic it was by eating it, or variations of it, often.

I do expect hope encourage you, if you are not familiar with poutine in any variation, to try it.   As Danny Wood said in the New Kids on the Block’s home video back in 1989 “Try it.  You might like it.”


PS – Don’t dis the New Kids.