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Posts tagged “October

The Times, they are a-Changin’

I know it was only a few weeks ago that I was bitching and moaning about how I hated the idea of summer ending. Oh, but how things change so quickly. Because, the last week or two I have not only been looking forward to the oncome of fall, but I’ve been longing for it. The seasons in me cannot wait for the drop of the first orange, crisp leaf, or the different smell of the air.

The past week I’ve been galloping (ish) toward Autumn; I’ve been burning a pumpkin-scented candle almost consistently, I’ve been walking out into darkness at 5am and turning up my heated seats, I even indulged in my first Pumpkin Spice (iced) Latte a few days ago.

I have been reading books on Witchcraft, and looking forward to my annual viewing of Eastwick, and thinking about how to decorate our patio for evening Deck Dates.

Cozy and quaint
Tradition calls for this to be rewatched every year.

I don’t know what it is about fall that calls to me like no other season. I love summer. I love sunshine and the heat and spending days at the beach and the long hours of the days. But fall, she calls to me like a Goddess whispering in my ear. And I always listen. Even when I’m trying to fight her and hold onto summer, she seeps in and warms my soul.

Spring does not speak to me the same way. Although it brings hope and joy as we say goodbye each year to the snow and the cold. I always love seeing the pastels bloom with spring. And although Christmas is in a league of its own, I hate winter. Fall, my lovely friend, she brings mystical and magical things. She brings enthusiasm and renewal and nostalgia. She brings me peace and uneasiness. But most of all, she brings me a cathartic hope for new adventures. The season of the witch.


The Air Out There

We are two days away from Halloween – and I just can’t get in the mood.

Every year I look forward to October (my favorite month!) and to Fall and to Halloween. But this year, I’m just not feeling any of it.

I have been extremely sleep deprived lately; having another onset of insomnia episodes. I’ll fall asleep fairly easily, most of the time, but waking up as early as 1am, without the ability to get back to sleep. My mind reels, and then I get angry, and I lay there. Wide Awake, waiting to get up and start my damn day. And with the sleep deprivation comes emotional roller coasters. It’s terrible. I don’t feel like myself a lot of the time; and the last few days I’ve been going through a depression that 100% got the best of me yesterday. I cried off and on for most of the day, to the point I was sobbing in a restaurant (which resulted in our server asking twice if she could give me a hug), sobbing in my car in the parking lot of a grocery store, sobbing in my bathtub, and sobbing in my husband’s arms. On top of sobbing at work and having minor meltdowns throughout the day. Last night, however, I had a few glasses of wine with a girlfriend after work, and then taking a few sleeping pills before bed. I slept about 10 hours, with the exception of a 5am wide awake, staring at walls session, before drifting back off. My body and mind needed the recoup.

That’s who I’ve been lately. That’s not who I am normally. And it’s affecting my outlook on everything, including my love and excitement of Halloween.

We have also been experiencing an Indian Summer of sorts ’round these parts, with warm weather and humidity, and it hasn’t felt too much like autumn weather this month. With the exception of today. This morning we woke to frosty lawns and air so cold we could see our breath. And of course, the sunshine and changing colors of trees and falling leaves have all left us with the impression of a regular October, for the most part, it’s felt like an extension of summer, complete with mosquitos.

I haven’t even participated in any spooky movies for October. Although, we did watch the new Halloween a few days ago and it sucked terribly. Honestly, whose idea was that? I was rooting for Michael Myers this time.

But yesterday. Let me tell you about yesterday morning. When I left my gym shortly after 7 am, I came outside to darkness, as the sun struggled to come up, and as I walked to my car, I took a deep, long inhale and it smelled like Christmas! The air was crispy, but not cold, and I could taste cool December and cloves and chimney smoke. And I am so entirely in the mood for Christmas. I cannot wait to start watching Hallmark movies and decorating and sharing glasses of spiced wine while sugar cookie candles burn. Maybe Christmas is what I need to bring me out of this funk that I feel I have fallen so deep into. I crave the noise of carols playing while we roam streets, and the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping, and the crowds of people who walk by smiling while struggling to balance their bags of presents and food.

I cannot wait to be in it. To be in the air of Christmas and the full fledge of holidays. I am not looking forward to cold weather and wearing boots (and pants!) and having cold toes all the time. But I am eager to become overjoyed with the abundance of love and gratefulness that oncoming Christmas makes me feel.

The air out there changes me. And I am desperate to breathe it in.


It’s finally here!  October.  My favorite month!


  1. Because I love Fall
  2. Because TODAY is MY BIRTHDAY!

Bday Pic

3. Because I love Halloween!

4. Because I love Pumpkins.  (Pumpkins themselves, pumpkin spice, pumpkin coffee, pumpkin decorations….)

Every October I do my best to watch some great and not-so-great Halloween-themed/Horror/Scary movies.  And, if you’ve been watching this blog for some time, you will have seen some of my reviews.  By far, the best reviews were in October 2012 .  Actually, everything from October 2012 was pretty great.

I’ve watched some great classics (Hocus Pocus, Halloween), I’ve watched some creepiness (Carnival of Souls, Eyes without a Face), and I’ve watched some crap!

So this year I’m asking for some help.  What are some Halloween movies I should be watching this year?  Yes, we’re definitely going to see the new Halloween movie (can’t wait to see you later this month, Michael Myers!), but I need some suggestions of what to watch.


Found this site online…..might have to check some of them out….the ones that aren’t too scary….

Crap or classic…it doesn’t matter.  I will do my best to locate what you offer and let you know what I think.


Halloween Movie Suggestions


With October and Halloween just around the corner, I am gearing up for my month-long movie fest.  However, this year I think I might need some help with what movies to watch.

I am looking for your suggestions to help with my horror-fest.  I’ve seen the Exorcist and will NOT be watching it again.  Please don’t ask me to spend any time with Pennywise because that certainly isn’t going to happen.  But, for the most part I am open to your referrals.  Last year I watched an oldie from the 60’s and it was creepily good.  This year on my list so far is Eyes Without a Face.  Eep!

Post a message in the comment section below with your choices and I will let you know if I add them to my list.


Two Weeks of Halloween

Last year I re-discovered how much I love Halloween and posted several Halloweeny topics thru the month of October.  I decided I’m going to post several times again on the topic – stories of my past Halloweens or little things just a little scary or creepy (or funny – because I’m always tryin’ to be funny).

So, here goes….the first of the few.


Years ago I was out for an evening run in late October.  It was mid-evening and dark and the subdivision I was running in has no street lights (for aesthetic reasons, apparently).  I was running up a small hill toward the adjacent street and could see this red-orangey glow in the middle of the dark.  I wasn’t sure what it could be.  As I got closer I realized that the glow was coming from inside a truck.  As I neared the truck I became a little nervous – unsure of what was causing it; it looked like the light from some satanic ritual.  I could now see 2 people inside the truck.  I reached the street and as I ran past the truck the passenger turned his head toward me to reveal this:

What the hell?  The dude was wearing a very scary Halloween mask and the two guys had some glowing object in between them.  I’m not sure what those two fools were doing – maybe smoking a joint (probably sacrificing a small animal!) who knows? – but my pace quickened and I got my butt home faster than on any other run.